sabato 27 giugno 2009
Emily O' Brayan (my absolute favourite female character)
Para-Medic is a FOX support team member who provides Naked Snake with surgical and medical information as well as general information on the local flora and fauna. As Snake Eater is set before the modern use of the word "paramedic", her name instead comes from a portmanteau of "parachute" and "medic."
Para-Medic earned the nickname "Quack" during her employment as a doctor due to her penchant for chatting for long periods of time.
She is generally repulsed by Snake's blatant disregard for selecting suitable plants and animals, which would generally be classed as "people food." This is most apparent when Snake is deciding whether or not he should eat the Spetsnaz guard dogs, The End's parrot, and The Boss' Andalusian horse as a source of food. She also acts in an overprotective manner towards Snake throughout the game.
Para-Medic also loves movies, particularly science fiction and horror titles, and often mentions them to Snake after saving the game or when something reminds her of them. For example, Snake's helmet and breathing apparatus used during the HALO jump immediately preceding the Virtuous Mission remind Para-Medic of the film The Fly. Para-Medic can also be considered a "Japanophile," as she seems completely smitten with the country, its culture and its fads, such as "Kerotan" and "GA-KO." She later created the first paramedic system in Seattle in 1970, and the modern usage of the name supposedly coming from her.
Para-Medic returns in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops as Snake's support. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots reveals that Para-Medic is one of the six founding members of the Patriots and was the one who initiated the Les Enfants Terribles project that led to the creation of Big Boss's clones. She is also revealed to be Dr. Clark, the scientist who was killed byGray Fox prior to the events of Metal Gear Solid. This causes an inconsistency with the English version of Metal Gear Solid, which referred to Dr. Clark as a male (the character had no defined gender in the Japanese version). The Metal Gear Solid 4: Database covers this inconsistency by explaining that Dr. Clark was reclusive and never personally met her staff, leading Naomi to assume she was male.
è la dottoressa nonché esperta di cure mediche alternative a cui Snake fa riferimento per curare le proprie ferite. Tra le altre cose è anche esperta di film e di alimentazione. Nel quarto capitolo della serie si scopre che era un membro dei Patriots, e che diventò la dottoressa Clark; colei che iniziò gli esperimenti genetici e di cui si sente vagamente parlare nel primo Metal Gear Solid. Da Zero ebbe il corpo di Gray Fox, per usarlo come cavia, e fu uccisa proprio da lui su richiesta di Naomi Hunter, per eliminare un membro dei pericolosi Patriots.
Dimitri Rascalov:
Dimitri Rascalov (1969 - 2008) is the main antagonist in Grand Theft Auto IV, and a major character throughout the game. He begins the game as the second-in-command of the Faustin Family and a premier Russian mobster.
Dimitri is the second-in-command and best friend of Mikhail Faustin. The two knew each other back in Russia, and served with one another in the Cold War, and eventually spent time in a prison camp in Siberia together. The two were closer than brothers, according to Mikhail. However, following the move to Liberty City, Mikhail became addicted to alcohol and cocaine, and no longer heeded Dimitri's advice. Volatile and paranoid, Mikhail would have people killed on a whim or out of spite, and seemed to favor murder as the solution to most problems. In contrast, Dimitri was more concerned with doing business, and demonstrated a willingness to be reasonable and use non-lethal methods if such an approach would be more profitable. Rascalov often warned him that the Russian Mafia meant keeping a low profile and playing by the rules, but Mikhail would not listen. This eventually led to war with the Petrovic Family after the ill-advised murder of Lenny Petrovic.
Dimitri would cut a side deal with Mr. Petrovic to save his own life. In exchange for the murder of Mikhail, Rascalov would live and be able to take over the Faustin Family. Dimitri gave the order to execute Mikhail to a hired gun, Niko Bellic. (This order was given due to the terms of the deal. Niko had killed Lenny on Faustin's orders as a hired gun. When Dimitri explained this, Mr. Petrovic decided to allow Niko to live, as long as he killed Mikail personally.) After Faustin was killed, Dimitri took over the organization and became partners with another powerful Russian gangster, Rodislav Bulgarin. Eventually it was found that Bulgarin and Bellic had past history, so Dimitri betrayed Niko to Bulgarin. Under pretenses of paying Niko for the Faustin execution, Dimitri planned an ambush of Niko, but Bellic was warned beforehand by Jacob Hughes of Dimitri's untrustworthiness. The duo escaped the assassination attempt, but could not kill Dimitri or Bulgarin before they escaped.
As revenge for the botched assassination, Dimitri put out a contract on the heads of Niko Bellic and his cousin Roman Bellic. Niko's apartment in Hove Beach was burned down, as well as Roman's taxi depot. The cousins were chased from Broker entirely. Dimitri would occassionally call Niko's cellphone to issue death threats as he attempted to track him down for Bulgarin.
Throughout the course of the story, Dimitri would often pop up. At one point, Dimitri and Bulgarin kidnapped Roman Bellic in an attempt to lure Niko out of hiding. They had found Roman after he began gambling in high-stakes poker games, catching the eye of the Russians who were looking for him. Niko was able to rescue Roman once again without being killed, however. Dimitri was also connected in an extortion scheme to reveal an affair between deputy mayor Bryce Dawkins and his gay lover, Bernie Crane. Jon Gravelli revealed that Dimitri had made an alliance with the Ancellotti family and was attempting to seize control of rackets currently held by the Italian Mafia, and also was involved in importing cocaine for domestic distribution, which was of grave concern to U.L. Paper.
È il vero e definitivo antagonista del gioco. Ha scalato posizioni nell’organizzazione di Faustin, fino a diventarne il capo, dopo tenterà di uccidere Niko assoldando Rodislav Bulgarin, con cui Bellic ha un conto in sospeso. Alla fine sarà ucciso da Niko, qualunque sia la scelta morale: dopo un inseguimento in elicottero nel finale "Affare" o sulla nave con cui il serbo giunse negli USA nel finale "Revenge".
Sergei Dragunov:
Sergei Dragunov is a character in the Tekken series. Dragunov, along with Lili, first appeared in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, and he has been confirmed to return in Tekken 6 and Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion.
Sergei Dragunov (Russian: Сергей Драгунов; Japanese: セルゲイ・ドラグノフ serugei doragunofu) is a member of SPETSNAZ, the military headquarters responsible for investigating the unknown body. They thought of giving special orders to one man involved in the excavation. A man named Dragunov, a member of the Special Forces, the very symbol of fear on the battlefield who has been dubbed "The White Angel of Death" because of his overwhelming fighting prowess.
The coldest ground covered with an enormous river.
While conducting a geological survey for the purpose of resource development, a peculiar body was found beneath the endless frozen soil. The military quickly dispatched the Special Forces to quarantine the area, they later relocated the unknown body to their laboratory in total secrecy.
One month later, the military headquarters responsible for investigating the unknown body, thought of giving special orders to one man involved in the excavation. A man named Dragunov, a member of the Special Forces, the very symbol of fear on the battle who has been dubbed the White God of Death because of his overwhelming fighting prowess.
Dragunov stood silently, nodding his head in approval, as he received orders to go to Japan.
Un'azienda scientifica russa trovò un corpo ghiacciato dal sottosuolo durante degli scavi in Siberia. Le forze armate russe chiesero l'intervento alle forze speciali più adatte facendo trasferire il corpo al loro laboratorio. Quando dovettero scoprire l'dentità del corpo pensarono di incaricare Dragunov per indagare da dove provenisse il corpo. Egli accettò e si recò in Giappone per cominciare le indagini.