sabato 27 giugno 2009

Sergei Dragunov:

Sergei Dragunov is a character in the Tekken series. Dragunov, along with Lili, first appeared in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, and he has been confirmed to return in Tekken 6 and Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion.

Sergei Dragunov (Russian: Сергей Драгунов; Japanese: セルゲイ・ドラグノフ serugei doragunofu) is a member of SPETSNAZ, the military headquarters responsible for investigating the unknown body. They thought of giving special orders to one man involved in the excavation. A man named Dragunov, a member of the Special Forces, the very symbol of fear on the battlefield who has been dubbed "The White Angel of Death" because of his overwhelming fighting prowess.

The coldest ground covered with an enormous river.

While conducting a geological survey for the purpose of resource development, a peculiar body was found beneath the endless frozen soil. The military quickly dispatched the Special Forces to quarantine the area, they later relocated the unknown body to their laboratory in total secrecy.

One month later, the military headquarters responsible for investigating the unknown body, thought of giving special orders to one man involved in the excavation. A man named Dragunov, a member of the Special Forces, the very symbol of fear on the battle who has been dubbed the White God of Death because of his overwhelming fighting prowess.

Dragunov stood silently, nodding his head in approval, as he received orders to go to Japan.

Un'azienda scientifica russa trovò un corpo ghiacciato dal sottosuolo durante degli scavi in Siberia. Le forze armate russe chiesero l'intervento alle forze speciali più adatte facendo trasferire il corpo al loro laboratorio. Quando dovettero scoprire l'dentità del corpo pensarono di incaricare Dragunov per indagare da dove provenisse il corpo. Egli accettò e si recò in Giappone per cominciare le indagini.

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